Client security

User credentials


Identity theft and Phising are fairly common techniques for fraudulenty acquiring user data.

Phishing consists of sending a fraudulent email posing as a known sender whose purpose is to reach the receipient through a link that redirects to a website identical to the original and in which the user is asked to enter some type of sensitive data, usually the Access credentials to a platform, to obtain them and be able to act on their behalf.

These emails normally manage to pretend that the sender is the original, although the delivery address usually contains domains or subdomains that end up revealing that it is not the case, which is why extreme precautions must be taken and carefully and look the details of the email.

Destination links also often contain names that have nothing to do with the original platform.

That is why from Sunflower Energías we will never send notifying any incident that requires the introduction of your credentials. As well as we will never ask for them by phone calls.

For this reason we also provide you with some advice when navigating Sunflower addresses.

  • Sunflower Energías website runs under the https protocol, giving an additional level of security in communications. To verify that you are entering these type of sites, you must observe the information offered by the browsers with in icon, usually a padlock in the navigation bar.
  • You can obtain aditional information about this certificate by clicking the above mentioned icon.

In the event of any incident, do no hesitate to contact Sunflower Energías through any of the usual channels.

Solicitamos su permiso para obtener datos estadísticos de su navegación en esta web, en cumplimiento del Real Decreto-ley 13/2012. Aceptar | Más información y Configuración