Telephone contracts
Dear client:
SUNFLOWER ENERGÍAS, under any concept makes or records telephone contracts, the data collection is taken by email, always with the internet domain and never through a pone call.
We inform you that, from SUNFLOWER ENERGÍAS, you will never receive a call for contracting, and the data collection would be done by post mail or through an email, always received with the internet domain and never through a phone call.
Every phone call passes the main security filters, by which we contrast the information given by the user, with the data in our database:
- Always check the sender of emails carefully and do not click on any links or download attachments if they look suspicious to you.
- To check the web page the link is trying to redirect you to, hovero ver it (without clicking) and you will see what the real address is
- Never answer to these type of emails.
- Do not give you personal data or bank account in a phone call without proving previously our identity.
- Always update the operating system of your devices and install an anti virus.
In the event of any incident, do not hesitate to contact Sunflower through any of the usual channels.